AJ had full confidence and trust in me and in my case that he told me, "I will get your job back!" And he surely did.
– Harjit, Employment Client

Mental Health Discrimination

Individuals who have been diagnosed with mental illness have rights. In the workplace, mental illness is considered a disability and is therefore a protected status under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and state and local human rights statutes. Oftentimes, people who have been diagnosed with a mental illness are treated in a discriminatory or retaliatory manner at work. This can include situations where proper accommodations are not given for people with a mental illness, requests for time off to visit a doctor or therapist are denied, and situations which exacerbate a mental illness are allowed to continue after a complaint has been made. Secondly, college students often face discrimination and unfair treatment on their university campuses after being diagnosed with a mental illness. This can include temporary suspensions and even expulsions. A lawyer can help you fight for your right to continue your education free from unfair treatment. If you have been diagnosed with a mental illness and have experienced discrimination or retaliation because of your diagnosis, give Dhali P.C. a call for a free phone consultation.

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